Thursday, January 19, 2012

Writer's Block Blues

This writer's block needs to end. It's been months. Between working two jobs, caring for home and family, and  other priorities, I feel void of inspiration for this blog. I want this blog to be full of honesty, and so here it is. I don't have anything to say, nothing profound or inspirational, so I'm just going to be candid. 

I got a new car this week, that is fun! I've only had one car my entire driving history, so this is life changing! 2008 Ford Fusion. Heated leather seats baby! I'm loving it!

I kept up with my fitness/weight goals over the holidays. Jillian Michaels is still my saving grace and motivation through this journey. I love her weekly podcast, such a mood booster! I've lost 20 more pounds in 2011, for a grand total of 83 pounds lost since July 2010! Amazing!!

The Hubs and I just celebrated our 1st Wedding Anniversary! People say that the first year of marriage is usually really hard as you get to know the other person in a while new light. Learning to sacrifice your own wants and desires, to become one, can be a painful process. The joy and that love that you share bandages up those selfish wounds. From my experience, I’ve come out of this year a better person than I began. I more in love, and ready to fight for us.

5 Things I’ve Learned:

1. Flirt with your hubby/wifey daily.
2. Make goals together and brainstorm your dreams.
3. Talk things out when they bug you, and don’t let things pile up in the shadows.
4. It’s life changing to be loved unconditionally.
5. Life and relationships are never going to be perfect all the time, they won’t always be what we think we need. . . but, I’m learning to savor the moments that seem too good to be true, and when you’re looking for them, they come around more often.

So there's my writer's block entry. Dreaming of the inspiration to come. Hugs and love!

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